3 Day Prayer Experience

Are you in need of a reboot in your prayer life? Maybe you're facing a difficult decision or a challenging obstacle? Are you experiencing stagnation and frustration on the path to achieving your goals? Are you ready to SEE positive changes in key areas of your life?

If you answered, YES, to any of these questions there is one thing that will help navigate you through the terrain your life has presented, prayer.

Whether you're in business, ministry, corporate, or a stay-at-home parent this 3 Day experience IS FOR YOU!

What you’ll get:

3 - 30 minute One-On-One Prayer and Coaching sessions w/ Deborah

1 - Free copy of the 30 - Day Speak Life Challenge

A Step-by-Step guide to identify your specific requests, structure your prayers to ensure accuracy for what it is you're seeking, and finally ASK for exactly what you need!

Sign up TODAY!

Are you in need of a reboot in your prayer life? Maybe you're facing a difficult decision or facing a challenging obstacle? Either way, there is one thing that will help navigate you through the terrain your life has presented, prayer. Whether you're in business, ministry, corporate, or a stay-at-home parent this 3 Day experience IS FOR YOU!